Sunday, 27 December 2015

Henna patterns: Choosing the right artist

I remember a time when I used to think all henna was beautiful as long as the artist could pipe the design consistently and fill in the gaps I would be easily impressed. But then I tried to teach myself the skill by continously researching and looking at different styles, which is when I started to understand better which designs I truly like and which I dont. I no longer get easily fooled by the designs that have just been simply drawn. There needs to be a pattern, a flow, some sort of thought process and neatness. I realised I like neat patterns alot. I am forever screenshotting henna patterns as they do truly inspire me. So here's a list of henna artists I gathered whose work I regularly admire... And yes I provided a direct link to their instagram profiles (you know, because I'm great like that!)
1. ashkumar :
2. minal ashkumar :
3. lali creations :
4.  shahdhillonshennadesigns :
5. sheerin nahar :
6. zarahenna :
7. sharshenna :
8. elly khanam :
9. rukhsar zaman :
10. samira sobhan :
11. suhani mehndi :
12. amelia dregiewicz :
13. art by alfina :
14. shebiiQa’s mendi :
15. hennapixie :
16. sabinas mehndi :

There is a variety of styles here, ofcourse everyone has their own taste, but after seeing so much of it I personally have come to appreciate the many many different techniques. Although its so hard to choose favourites I have to say Lali Creations never fails to impress. I love ALL of her work. Even though I mentioned I like neatness Shebiqa managed to be the exception to this rule, she has a rather charming aproach and her designs still flow ever so smoothly. But if you like the simple look no one does it better than Alfina, but saying that she has an amazing talent for developing something so simple to the most intricate work I've ever seen. So many beautiful designs, if you're a fan of henna then you'll be browsing for hours!

P.S. You may not want to start viewing during bed time...if you wan't to catch some sleep tonight that is!!

Hope you all had an amazing 2015

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