I hadnt actually noticed until I was planning a project in lilac and had it pointed out to me that lilac hasnt been in fashion for years yet ironicly enough all of a sudden my instagram explore page was just jammed with different tones of lilacs.
But anyway I noticed a few other pastel colours no need to mention blue I think we all know what an impact Frozen has had these past couple of years!
I decided to check the indian colour trend for this summer (I dont usually do that! I know its apalling my old fashion teachers would be turning their heads if they knew gasp emoticon ) but in my defence the Bengali community is a bit behind they tend to follow fashion as it trickles down and not at the first glance!
Lilac isnt the only colour and its not liked by everyone but to be honest I think theres a shade for everyone you just have to be open to the idea its definately got a sence of elegance to it. Although its a bit like pearls you can either go very wrong or very right with it. All about how you choose to use it. So many elegant pastel shades in this summer, which one will you choose