Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Papercraft: Applique

Ok so Im back again with a post on paper craft and if you're looking for inspiration look no further ;)

Although applique is usually done using fabric theres absolutely no reason why we cant do it with paper. I learnt applique when I was in college and I loved being able to create layers upon layers and the possibilities..literally endless

It can be quite time consuming but the end result is certainly worth it..

If you layering on top then there is a bit of a cheat where you can use shape punches but if you're doing reverse applique I guess the best way would be to use a blade to carve out your shapes. The best part is you could probably make both types as long as you carve the shape neatly you'll be able to make both an applique and reverse applique piece.
Adding in dimensions and other textures is quite appealing too but usually you need the right balance to make it work.
There's so many different choices of papers you can use, standard/ coloured/ tissue/ metallic etc. The variety of the weight of the paper will also have a pleasing impact too
Have fun crafting ;)   

Crystal Crafts Makeup

Not so long ago I decided to take a makeup artist course, I have been ­­­contemplating for a while now whether I should take it or not so I finally plucked up the courage and went for it. I’ve heard that these courses tend to cost roughly 1 and a half grand but there was only ever 1 artist out there who I would even dream to be trained by, Lubna Rafiq ofcourse. I read through her course layout and got the price, was more expensive than the others but honestly If you’re going to do something you may as well do it right. I was so impressed from what they were offering I knew it would be worth the price.
We had Lubna teach us 6 different looks and Uzma teach 4 hairstyles, the chance to view it live AND practice ourselves. Guidance at hand when needed and knowledge on what products to use, I, ofcourse, took advantage and asked loads of questions and they never held back! Not only do you get what you pay for but if you’re clever and ask questions they never hesitate to give more. I was especially impressed by the fact that I went with a set of questions and Lubna had answered them all in her tutorial without me even asking! They use high end clothes and jewellery pieces, Lubna even demonstrated how to do the hair with each look in front us so we can fully understand the value of a finished look. All the while creating her magic she continously gave us tips and advice of how to get the look right. Not forgetting the excellent business advice we recieved how to really get far. She cold easily tae your money but she leaves ou at the end of the day with enough tools to actually get somewhere afterwards. Someone who isnt afraid of spreading success, now thats my kind of teacher!
Coming from a textiles background rather than an art one has its own advantages. I have enjoyed creating beautiful things and really appreciate the value of designer pieces. Infact my love grew so much for the creative world I became obsessed with every part of it, which is when I started to view makeup differently. As cliché it may seem I finally got it, makeup really is an art and the face, a canvas. Unfortunately my makeup was terrible regardless of the amount of tutorials I had watched on youtube I could never quite get it right. Im so glad I decided to take this course, the experience was so intense yet fun. Just three days of makeup leaves you learning sooo much and having been someone who really never paid attention to hairstyling wow honestly I cant believe how easy Uzma made it for us to learn!

After leaving LRA with such beautiful pieces in my portfolio my friends were genuinely shocked that I was actually able to create these looks. Yes me :O
And theres one thing that the spec didn’t mention and that is the self confidence they are able to boost in their students. I never expected such a high level of moral support. Thank you for believing in me.
I would like to whole heartedly thank the entire team Lubna Rafiq, Uzma Rafiq, Shamila Yunis, Samera, Safiyyah Khan, Zaf Shabir, Sorcha, Marwa Hamdi, Aman San, Charlotte Luck and James Rudland.

CrystalCrafts just got better guys ;) 
Just wanted to also mention that the first 3 images are the looks that Lubna created live in front of me alongside 7 other students and the other members of her team. The two looks created on Charlotte luck was done by me with some assistance and then dressed and style by Zaf at the LRA studio and the final picture is a CrystalCrafts creation.. so decide for yourself, what do you think?

Friday, 30 September 2016

What I wore for eid 2016

So here it finally is -my post for what I wore on eid. I have to say this year I was incredibly impressed with my finding! 

I had a bigger budget this time round so I went to few different places to really get my moneys worth but unfortunately some places are complete rip offs! Having gone to a shop I would never normally go into I found the prettiest outfit in such a beautiful colour too. With lots of zardosi work too. Embellished from top to bottom it was unbelievable. They quoted me £250 but I was able to bring it down to £185. I believe the shop was called Mehreen next to Barclays in Green street.
I really I wish I had gone in there sooner, I’ll definitely be revisiting to increase my collection of Asian wear.
I literally threw together my bangle set on Eid day.. ok maybe not literally but it did take me 20mins and I didn’t even purchase any new ones. But not bad ey? Still managed a nice heavy bunch.

So I hope you like the look guys we have a special addition to Crystal Crafts. I will be letting you all know on next months page, can’t wait! See you then :)

Friday, 12 August 2016

Papercraft: Quilling

Most people know me for my embroidery but what many dont pay attention to is my love for paper crafts...I studied textiles and I just love different textures, dimentions, colour and the way it all comes together to create magnificient pieces of eye candy

I obviously havent been in education for a very long time and secondary was literally a decade ago so I'm a little clueless how the curiculum works nowadays, but when I was studying for GCSEs I didnt realise that the amount of things I could've done in my sketchbook. We were always taught to make collages with tissue paper but honestly theres just so much more to it.Once I started college I started to discover more and more techniques and to be honest I'm still learning..

I only discovered quilling at the age of 18, and not even by teachers but my sister...(yup thats right we are a family of artistic individuals).. there are so many ways you can bring your art to life using this technique. Quilling is created using strips of paper and a handy tool with a slit on it so you can pop your paper on and just twirl. I genuinely tried to avoid flowers, I swear! But oh my god look! Its just so pretty

All of these images are taken from google and flowers aren't the only kind of inspiration you will literally find all kinds of things from scenary to maybe your favourite cartoon characters. But its a great technique to mix in if your trying to create something you drew yourself.

You could buy a whole starter kit but heres what I believe is the cheapest way to start:

And a tutorial for beginners

I might comeback to update this oneday when I find a 2page spread of flower I once did inspired by picasso..unfortunately all my old college sketchbooks are up in the attic. So if I get a hold of it again...

Enjoy xx

Papercraft: Quilling

Most people know me for my embroidery but what many dont pay attention to is my love for paper crafts...I studied textiles and I just love different textures, dimentions, colour and the way it all comes together to create magnificient pieces of eye candy

I obviously havent been in education for a very long time and secondary was literally a decade ago so I'm a little clueless how the curiculum works nowadays, but when I was studying for GCSEs I didnt realise that the amount of things I could've done in my sketchbook. We were always taught to make collages with tissue paper but honestly theres just so much more to it.Once I started college I started to discover more and more techniques and to be honest I'm still learning..

I only discovered quilling at the age of 18, and not even by teachers but my sister...(yup thats right we are a family of artistic individuals).. there are so many ways you can bring your art to life using this technique. Quilling is created using strips of paper and a handy tool with a slit on it so you can pop your paper on and just twirl. I genuinely tried to avoid flowers, I swear! But oh my god look! Its just so pretty

All of these images are taken from google and flowers aren't the only kind of inspiration you will literally find all kinds of things from scenary to maybe your favourite cartoon characters. But its a great technique to mix in if your trying to create something you drew yourself.

You could buy a whole starter kit but heres what I believe is the cheapest way to start:

And a tutorial for beginners

I might comeback to update this oneday when I find a 2page spread of flower I once did inspired by picasso..unfortunately all my old college sketchbooks are up in the attic. So if I get a hold of it again...

Enjoy xx

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Eid ul Fitr 2016

While it may feel like eid was like forever ago, its actually only been a few weeks. I couldnt get this post ready on time, my 10month old keeping me busy! So anyways heres another outfit I've put together. I dont know about anyone else but lately (unless you can afford the big bucks)
So anyway when I was doing my eid outfit I was having the toughest time finding a unique outfit on budget but I have to say, I was very impressed by what Sidhus in Whitechapel was offering. I loved many outfits but heres the one I went for
all the outfits in green street are starting to feel like a clone of each other, and clever manufacturers have discovered a trick where they put on plenty of iron on stones ALL OVER the outfits to make consumers feel like they're getting their moneys worth. Well I'm sorry to say guys incase you haven't figured it out yet... complete rip off! You're far better off paying for less work that has been crafted well than lots of work that will inevitably, well not stay put I guess...

Our first proper eid together and me being me I got my daughter dresses to match. Black plain dresses which I added embroidery to myself

Like I've mentioned before I havent need to add bangles to my collection in ages so I grabbed what I already had and heres my outcome.. I quite like it, what do you think?

I couldnt get a decent enough image of baby girls beautiful outfit, will upload a vid tomorrow on snapchat find me we're under crystalcraftssc

I will upload her outfit on here possibly tuesday. Till then buh-bye xx

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Remove henna sooner

Now what most people actually want to know is how to darken a henna stain but sometimes it actually helps to know how to get rid of the henna stain. I had my henna party one week before my wedding day so I was in desperate need to get rid of the first application in time to have it re applied for the big day. The obvious way was ofcourse soaking my hand in water - which I did for couple of hours I tried to scrub with liquid and it slightly lightened it but didnt help as much as I had hoped.
I had a manicure done and as I was getting rid of the nail varnish I realised the henna stain had lightened by 3-4 shades and was left with a faint mark. I couldnt fully get rid of it to be honest but fast forward a year a friend of mine told me a method which would have been simpler! I have yet to try it so I will come back to update this post but contact lens solution swiped with cotton ball 2-3 times should do the trick.

After having a search on the internet (which I wish I had checked sooner :[ ) heres some other methods I found :

Make a paste of baking soda powder mixed with lemon. Apply on your hands to remove the Mehndi colour. However, this paste can make your hands dry and rough. Take some chlorine in a small bowl and add some hot water to it. Dip your hands in this solution for 2 to 3 minutes. You will witness some irritation and itchiness but it will vanish soon and will help fade the mehendi as well. 

Toothpaste can also be a great help in removing tattoo. Apply toothpaste on the areas from where you wish to remove the mehendi and when it dries, rub your hands to remove the colour. 

Sweat  also aids in removing these stubborn stains. So start exercising, especially aerobic exercise which will cause perspiration and will fade henna stains. Activities that result heavy sweating will aid in the removal of dead skin which will eventually remove the tattoo stains. So you can even opt for other activities like jogging, for example or other sport activities.

Finally if you have sensitive skin olive oil will help fade the mark off your skin.

Since I havent tried all these methods myself I suggest trying a small patch if you do decide to test it yourself. All skin types are different so what may work for me may not work for others and vice versa please feel free to suggest your own methods if you have a different suggestion other than stated above xx

Friday, 10 June 2016

Ramadan 2016

Ramadan mubarak guys 

I'm going to try and keep this post very short as the next part basically speaks for itself.

"Assalamu alaikum

My name is Aamilah and I am nearly 2 years old. I would like to raise lots and lots of money to provide Iftar to our needy Palestininan brothers and sisters in the last ten days of Ramadan Insha Allah. I will be travelling to Jerusalem later this Ramadan with my mummy and daddy where we will be handing out Iftar with our own hands during the odd nights, Insha Allah.
Some of the money we hope to raise will also go towards a new madrasah which is located near masjid Al Aqsa. And I can assure you that 100% of  your donations will be spent on those causes and nothing else, Insha Allah.
We are taking Zakah and Sadaqah. Please remember to mention Zakah when donating online, this will ensure your Zakah is spent correctly. If you would like to pay by cash or bank transfer, please get in touch with my daddy and if you are a lady, please get in touch with my mummy.
Please please! donate lots and lots of money and help me raise as much as possible so our Ummah in Palestine can do Iftar like we are.

May Allah bless you all :))
"He who gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will receive the same reward as him, except that nothing will be reduced from the fasting persons reward."
(Ahmad, at-Tirmidhee, ibn Maajah, Ibn Hibbaan, Saheeh)
"The best charity is that given in Ramadan."
(Sunan at-Tirmidhee)"

This is from someone I know personally and a very dear friend of mine infact. The best part (for me) is 100% of your donations will reach the Palestinians in sha allaah and with it beng the month of ramadan your rewards will be far greater. So please donate generously

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

2016 summer colour trends

Its been a while now since red and navy have taken over in Bengali weddings to the point where if you go to green street every bridal shop knows to keep samples with those colours available.. frankly I've never been a fan so its quite the relief when I say theres some new colours in trend!!
I hadnt actually noticed until I was planning a project in lilac and had it pointed out to me that lilac hasnt been in fashion for years yet ironicly enough all of a sudden my instagram explore page was just jammed with different tones of lilacs.

But anyway I noticed a few other pastel colours no need to mention blue I think we all know what an impact Frozen has had these past couple of years!
I decided to check the indian colour trend for this summer (I dont usually do that! I know its apalling my old fashion teachers would be turning their heads if they knew gasp emoticon ) but in my defence the Bengali community is a bit behind they tend to follow fashion as it trickles down and not at the first glance!

Lilac isnt the only colour and its not liked by everyone but to be honest I think theres a shade for everyone you just have to be open to the idea its definately got a sence of elegance to it. Although its a bit like pearls you can either go very wrong or very right with it. All about how you choose to use it. So many elegant pastel shades in this summer, which one will you choose

Monday, 29 February 2016

Red Lipstick

Yes here it is the inevitable! Another blogger writing about red lipstick..
At one point or another every girl has thought about wearing red lipstick but I’m sure just like myself most of you would’ve gone through that awkward moment when you apply it and it just doesn’t look right.. Our celebs make it look s good and easy at that too! So where is it going wrong?
I have recently read so many posts as I did consider if it was worth going into a topic that’s been so commonly discussed, but I believe I can share a certain secret which most writers fail to mention..
Keep reading to find out what it is :P
But first here are the basics that you will need to know:

1. Finding the right shade:
With so many different shades to choose from it can get tricky figuring out which one is the right one. There’s dark, bright, pink undertone, orange undertone – of course some girls can pull off many different shades but there’s always a favourite isn’t there. Me – I like my “red carpet” type of colour and so far the one I absolutely love is “Stiletto Matte” by Sleek (personally I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t suit it) it’s such a beautiful intense colour, creamy feel with the right outlook.

For more in depth explanation you can check Makeup Files Blog:
But heres the specific section that explains it anyway:

"How to Find Your Skin Tone Temperature

  1. Flip your arm over so you have a good view of the underside of the forearm. Make sure you’re in good lighting. Daylight is best.
  2. Have a look at the color of your skin. If you see undertones of yellow or orange, you’re warm-toned. If you have undertones of pink or blue, you’re cool-toned. (This applies to women of all ethnicities.)
  3. Still not sure? Look at the veins running along your arm. Warm-toned gals will have a slight green tint to their veins. Cool-toned gals will have very blue, almost purple, veins.
Now that you know whether you’re warm or cool, it’s pretty easy to find the right shade of red lipstick.
For Warm-Toned Skin
Look for lipsticks with orange, yellow or golden hues. These shades will look best with your skin.
For Cool-Toned Skin
Pick up lipsticks with a blue base. The cooler shade will accent the coolness in your skin."

2. How to apply:
You will need the right tone of Red Lipstick
Lipcoat (can be bought from Superdrugs store)
Red Lipliner
Face Wipe
The steps are quite easy to follow, you will need to first outline your lips with either a matching lip pencil or a darker one (depending on the look you are aiming for) then fill in your lips, pout and apply to the inner part, blot using a tissue if need be and wipe your teeth/face in case red lipstick spreaded on unwanted parts and then apply a layer of “Lipcoat” to keep the colour locked in.

Very vague I know guys but just to give you a brief idea as I’m sure the trouble isn’t how to apply but theres so many tutorials on youtube to demonstrate properly.

3. And finally the ingredient that makes it all work!
If you’ve done all of the above and still feel uncomfortable then you’ve sort of answered your own query without realising. The trick is to in fact BE comfortable; you need to carry it off with confidence, which is all very easily said so here’s the pointer which might help you to gain confidence. Crazy as it sounds, the first thing I realised was when wearing red sometimes it helps to actually wear something that compliments the lip colour. Now that can be red itself or the other option is to wear it with shades of greens and blues- lighter shades, as bright on bright isn’t a great combo for daytime wear. For me I love it with the nude shades and caramel.

I will be uploading pix soon waiting on my internet to arrive as I just moved in to a new house but let me know if any of you tried it and how it worked out :)